Bioregulation Therapy, also known as BRT, is a safe and effective tool used to alleviate physical, mental, and emotional pain. During a BRT session, the electromagnetic field generated by the BRT device promotes pain relief and the healthy functioning and communication of your cells. To put it simply, the brain calms down and produces a meditative state, allowing your body to self-regulate to its natural, aligned state. BRT can imitate the brain’s natural rhythm at rest and train the brain to follow that rhythm.
The diagnostic and therapeutic clinical discipline of BRT uses advanced technology to capture the body’s own internally generated electromagnetic information. The BRT device customizes each protocol to the client’s individual needs and utilizes the gathered information, with frequency, intensity, and precise modulation, to promote healing, reduction of inflammation, and the transmission of homeopathic signals to disturbed cells. Through bioregulation, changes in cellular communication result in the improvement of cognitive, psychological, and emotional symptoms and conditions.
BRT improves your overall quality of life, by reducing cellular inflammation for a prolonged duration without any adverse complications.
The health benefits may include:
Improves cellular health, communication, and function
Enables one to better manage stress, sleep patterns, and mood fluctuation
Reduces anxiety and depression
Reduces drug and alcohol-seeking symptoms
Reduces pain, inflammation, and swelling
Boosts immunity
Promotes quicker healing and recovery
Increases digestion, metabolism, and oxygenation
Removes cellular wastes effectively
Restores damaged tissues
Increases nutritional absorption
Improves bone structure, density, and function
Helps heal wounds and fractures
Maintains a proper balance between antioxidants and free radicals
Improves brain function
BRT as an integrated model appears to be a promising alternative and adjunct therapy due to its effects, such as improved psychological and neurophysiological variables and longer periods of abstinence observed in our patients. BRT technology and delivery systems don’t just target one system in the brain and body but dozens.
The inability to process information efficiently, disturbing thoughts, and a lack of adequate sleep can cause various mental issues such as anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. BRT can increase communication patterns and reduce imbalances associated with anxiety and depression by penetrating deeply and directly into the brain. Anxiety is a normal adaptive response to stress that allows coping with adverse situations. It is not uncommon in a brief thirty-minute session to produce ten minutes of deep sleep, as verified through the use of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) monitoring systems, thus retraining your mind and cells, promoting more frequent deep sleep. Addressing sleep issues massively impacts decreased anxiety and depression.
Reduce anxiety. Increase focus. Promote restful sleep. Decrease inflammation and pain.
Interested? Book a 30 min consultation to decide if BRT is the right fit for you.
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