Meet Frank Mattiace – Founder and Emotional Health Therapist, Ph.D.



Meet Frank Mattiace – Founder and Emotional Health Therapist, Ph.D.




Are you living life to your fullest potential, following your dreams, feeling fulfilled? Actually, most of us are not. We all have something that holds us back. Often, what holds us back is not the content of our lives—lack of money, bad relationships, limited education—but the way we run our lives, our own set of beliefs, behaviors, and habits we want to avoid at all costs. 

There is a pattern, your own list of things you avoid. Whatever they are, the underlying driver is fear. Think of avoidance as learned negative attraction, limiting the belief in ourselves and our ability to solve our problems. When there is no hope, there’s no desire.

The SOARFIT Emotional Health system is a structured, disciplined, task oriented therapy approach. Developed by Frank Mattiace, the system helps individuals cultivate their willingness to do hard, difficult things. We train the mind to focus and relax in discomfort. Designed specifically to release our defenses, open our focus, and improve all our human qualities, such as our ability to love, think, and experience pleasure. 


“You are not always free to do less than is demanded of you, but you are free to do more”


Founder and Emotional Health Therapist, Ph.D.

The best treatment tool for many clients, in my opinion, is attention training, incorporating breath, and focused intention. Imagine if you adopted the mindset; “I will be challenged and I will get better every day”. Goals are achieved by winning small battles, daily. SOAR: Show up, Observe thought and emotion, Accept what is in front of you and Renew. 


Frank’s research and techniques were developed first to change himself and in turn helped change others. Founder of New Pathway Counseling and SOARFIT, he Attended Holy cross college where he was an All-American football player, completed distinguished work at Montclair State University and finalized his educational studies at Southern California for Professional Studies, earning a Doctorate in Counseling. 


Frank utilizes Bioregulation Therapy, and has run case studies on its effectiveness relieving anxiety and inflammation on a cellular level, reducing physical and emotional pain. It is now an integral part of his practice.  Currently, Frank is working on an integration of peptide therapy, how and why they work and their ability to improve health outcomes. He’s worked with the NFL Retired Players Association, Fortune 500 Companies, local and state municipalities, first responders, high school and collegiate athletes, helping all clients navigate their darkest moments and mark their greatest triumphs. 


We can control our destiny by attending to purpose. The SOARFIT analytical approach focuses on our healing power and balance through an integration of movement, posture alignment, centering, grounding, and the awareness of energy. The goal: become more conscious, looking for the truth in ourselves. He believes in a regular gratitude practice, humility, and last but not least, giving thanks to God.  


Live your best life





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